1. than

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      A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g. The cat and the dog slept.).
      1. (in comparisons)
      a. que
      My sister sings much better than I do.Mi hermana canta mucho mejor que yo.
      2. (with numbers and quantities)
      a. de
      They offered me more money than I had asked for.Me ofrecieron más dinero de lo que había pedido.
      3. (when expressing preference)
      This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
      no direct translation
      I can't believe you would rather stay home alone than come to the party with me.No puedo creer que prefieres quedarte en casa sola antes que venir a la fiesta conmigo.
      I'd rather do all the work now than be stressed out later.Prefiero hacer todo el trabajo ahora a estar estresado después.
      A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and another word (e.g. He ran through the door.).
      4. (in comparisons)
      a. que
      All of my cousins are taller than me.Todos mis primos son más altos que yo.
      5. (with numbers and quantities)
      a. de
      She has more than 3,000 books in her library.Ella tiene más de 3,000 libros en su biblioteca.
      Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
      A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g. The cat and the dog slept.).
      1. (in general)
      a. que
      2. (with numbers, amounts)
      a. de
      he's taller than mees más alto que yo
      he was taller than I had expectedera más alto de lo que me esperaba
      she stands a better chance of winning than she did last yeartiene más posibilidades de ganar (de las) que (tuvo) el año pasado
      he is more than a friendes más que un amigo
      more/less than tenmás/menos de diez
      more than oncemás de una vez
      Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
      than [ðæn]
      1 (in comparisons) que
      I have more than you tengo más que usted; nobody is more sorry than I (am) nadie lo siente más que yo; more often than not en la mayoría de los casos; they have more money than we have tienen más dinero que nosotros; the car went faster than we had expected el coche alcanzó una velocidad mayor de lo que habíamos esperado; it is better to phone than to write más vale llamar por teléfono que escribir
      no sooner ... than no sooner did he arrive than he started to complain
      2 (with numerals) de
      more/less than 90 más/menos de 90; more than once más de una vez
      3 (stating preference) antes que
      rather you than me tú antes que yo
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