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form grade yearA class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.
In some British schools and in some American private schools, form is used instead of 'class'. Form is used especially with a number to refer to a particular class or age group.
In British English, a year is a set of students of a similar age, who started school at around the same time.
A grade in an American school is similar to a form or a year in a British school.
A year is a period of 365 or 366 days, beginning on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December.
A year is also any period of twelve months.
You can use year when you are mentioning the age of a person or thing.
Be Careful!
When you use year to talk about age, you must use old after it. Don't say, for example, 'She is now seventy-four years'.
Noun | 1. | ![]() period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period" Christian year, church year - the year in the ecclesiastical calendar; especially feast days and special seasons Holy Year - (Roman Catholic Church) a period of remission from sin (usually granted every 25 years) New Year - the calendar year just begun 365 days, common year - a year that is not a leap year 366 days, bissextile year, intercalary year, leap year - in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400 off year - a year in which no major political elections are held off year - a year in which productivity is low or inferior calendar year, civil year - the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar financial year, fiscal year - any accounting period of 12 months annum - (Latin) year; "per annum" year of grace - any year of the Christian era Y2K - the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar |
2. | year - a period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity; "a school year" period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period" academic year, school year - the period of time each year when the school is open and people are studying | |
3. | ![]() period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period" anomalistic year - time of the earth's revolution from perihelion to perihelion again; 365 days and 6 hr and 13 min and 53.1 sec astronomical year, equinoctial year, solar year, tropical year - the time for the earth to make one revolution around the sun, measured between two vernal equinoxes lunar year - a period of 12 lunar months month - a time unit of approximately 30 days; "he was given a month to pay the bill" sidereal year - the time for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun, relative to the fixed stars time of year, season - one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions; "the regular sequence of the seasons" | |
4. | ![]() assemblage, gathering - a group of persons together in one place graduating class - the body of students who graduate together this year senior class - final grade or class in high school or college junior class - penultimate class in high school or college sophomore class - the second class in a four-year college or high school freshman class - the first class in college or high school |
adjective annual
[ˈjɪəʳ] Nit takes years → es cosa de años, se tarda años
we waited years → esperamos una eternidad
in the year (of our Lord) 1869 → en el año (del Señor) 1869
he died in his 89th year → murió a los 89 años
he got ten years → le condenaron a diez años de prisión
three times a year → tres veces al año
100 dollars a year → 100 dólares al año
in after years (liter) → en los años siguientes, años después
to reckon sth by the year → calcular algo por años
year end → final m del año
we never see her from one year's end to the other → no la vemos en todo el año
year of grace → año m de gracia
year in, year out → año tras año, todos los años sin falta
to reckon sth in years → calcular algo por años
last year → el año pasado
the year before last → el año antepasado
next year (looking to future) → el año que viene
the next year (in past time) → el año siguiente
she's three years old → tiene tres años
an eight-year-old child → un niño de ocho años
the work has put years on him → el trabajo lo ha envejecido
all (the) year round → durante todo el año
that hairstyle takes years off you → ese peinado te quita un montón de años
in the year dot → en el año de la nana
since the year dot → desde el año de la nana, desde siempre
in my early years → en mi infancia, en mi juventud
from her earliest years → desde muy joven
he looks old/young for his years → aparenta más/menos años de los que tiene
she's very spry for a woman of her years → para una mujer de su edad está muy ágil
he's getting on in years → va para viejo
in his later years → en sus últimos años
[ˈjɪər]She's done quite a bit of work this past year → Elle a fait pas mal de travail pendant l'année qui vient de s'écouler.
The school has been empty for ten years → L'école est vide depuis dix ans.
a year or two after I left → un an ou deux après que je sois parti, une année ou deux après que je sois parti
The year was 1840
BUT C'était en 1840.
last year → l'an dernier
next year → l'an prochain, l'année prochaine
every year → tous les ans, chaque année
this year → cette année
a year (= per year) → par an
I only visit my brother once a year → Je rends visite à mon frère une fois par an seulement.
£3000 per year → trois mille livres par an
in the year 2000 → en 2000
all year round → toute l'année
year in, year out → année après année
year after year → année après année
to be 8 years old → avoir 8 ans
She's 8 years old → Elle a 8 ans.
an eight-year-old child → un enfant de huit ans
a man of his years → un homme de son âge
a woman of her years → une femme de son âge
to put years on sb → vieillir qn
to take years off sb → rajeunir qn
the academic year (at school) → l'année scolaire; (at university) → l'année universitaire
year one (at school) → cours m préparatoire
year seven → sixième f
to be in year seven → être en sixième
to be in year nine → être en quatrième
[jɪəʳ] nthis year → quest'anno
every year → tutti gli anni, ogni anno
all (the) year round → (per) tutto l'anno
year in, year out → anno dopo anno
year by year, from year to year → col passar degli anni
years and years ago → tanti anni fa
from one year to the next → da un anno all'altro
three times a year → tre volte all'anno
in the year 1869 → nell'anno 1869, nel 1869
in the year of grace → nell'anno di grazia
last year → l'anno scorso
next year (looking to future) → l'anno prossimo or venturo
the next year (in past time) → l'anno seguente or successivo
he got 10 years (in prison) → si è beccato 10 anni
it takes years → ci vogliono anni
I met him a year last January → a gennaio fa un anno che l'ho conosciuto
a year tomorrow → domani tra un anno
I haven't seen her for years → non la vedo da anni, sono anni che non la vedo
over the years → con gli anni
she's three years old → ha tre anni
she's in her fiftieth year → compierà cinquant'anni
it's taken years off her → l'ha ringiovanita
a or per year → all'anno
he's in the second year → è al secondo anno
he was in my year at university → frequentavamo lo stesso anno di università